
DIY Protective Cushion Sleeves

Keep your slipcovered cushions clean with protective sleeves. Easy to make and they wash up quick. You’ll love them, especially if you have furry friends.

Protective Sleeve for Cushions

I install a slipcover, and then my customer throws a blanket over it. This is a common scenario with families who have kids and dogs.

Even though the slipcovers I make are protective and washable, many customers still reach for an extra layer of cover. I get it — a blanket or sheet goes on and off quicker than a zippered cushion cover and can be washed as often as needed. But it’s a bummer the lovely new slipcover disappears under all of that!

So, I came up with the idea for a cushion sleeve — a protective fabric loop sized to fit seat cushions. It can also be used on back cushions as well. Easy to slip on and off. Quick to launder. And a lot less expensive than having a second set of cushion covers made.

Here’s how to make your own cushion sleeves. Use any medium to heavyweight fabric, i.e. self fabric that matches your slipcover, a contrast decorative fabric or a super protective fabric that resists moisture and stains.

Decorative Cushion Sleeve


  1. Great idea. I was just reading a blog about a “manor” in England, a restoration, and every chair had a fabric piece on the furniture for their dogs. thanks for sharing and I am LOVING my new slipcovered wing back chair Karen.

  2. Brilliant. I have towels covering my two wing backs, my dog loves to be in them.
    I think there was some left over fabric from my project so I’ll make a couple of these.
    Thanks for sharing this idea with us.

    1. You’ll love them! You might also like making your cushion sleeves out of cool looking beach towels. The terry will add extra protection and coziness for your dog. A beach towel length should be long enough to wrap around your seat cushion.

  3. Genius! I always use a piece of leftover matching fabric to cover my seat cushions but I like this idea much better. It will stay in place when little paws decide that they must muss everything up to make a nest!

    1. Hahaha! I know what you mean about making a nest…very cute, but very messy. Be sure to fit your cushion sleeves snug to keep them in place as much as possible.

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