
Blue Canvas Slipcover for Big Sectional Sofa

Robert Allen Canvas Sectional Slipcover

Keep the sectional. Replace the slipcover. That was always my customer’s plan from the day they purchased their well-made furniture 10 + years ago.

Updating a large sectional with a new slipcover is often more economical than throwing out the entire piece and starting over. Especially when the cushions and sofa sections are in excellent shape.

Canvas Slipcover for Chaise Sectional

For this slipcover makeover, I covered the 13 feather wrapped cushions and 4 sofa sections with 10 oz cotton canvas.  

My customer chose a blue color similar to her original slipcover. It looks so pretty in her airy and light filled living room on Gull Lake.

Below is the sectional before the new slipcover.

Sectional Sofa Before New Slipcover
Robert Allen canvas sectional slipcover.


  1. How do I find you? I have a large 9 ft x 9 ft white cotton linen sectional. I purchased the sectional from Pottery Barn a couple of years ago. As we live on a lake, I would like to slipcover this beautiful sectional in a great duck/polyester blend…help…I need a professional…! Diana Olson Lakewood, WA

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  2. This is beautiful work. I am a huge fan of down wrapped cushions and you brought this sectional back to life!!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I love the look of a feather wrapped cushion, too. I am amazed these 10+ year old cushions still have so much fullness and a nice crown.

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