White Denim Slipcover for Ethan Allen Leather Sofa
When my customer bought her Ethan Allen white leather sofa she wasn’t thinking slipcover. But after living with it for only a few months, she realized her sofa needed some sort of protection. Why? Edward, her orange tabby cat, couldn’t resist scratching the leather upholstery.
I made this sofa slipcover from white cotton bull denim, a heavyweight cotton that has a brushed surface. While it’s probably not 100% kitty-scratch proof, it’s beefy enough to soften the blow from sharp claws.
I love it. I don’t know how you get those curves so smooth, glad you’ll be doing my slip covers for my wing backs, can’t wait!
Thanks, Barb! Your wing back chairs will be fun to work on!
You do such quality work. I’m always impressed.
I appreciate you noticing. Thanks so much!
Ditto to what Barb said about the curves! The slipcover is just beautiful!
Thank you Holly! The Dockside Denim eases beautifully around curvy lines. Makes my job a joy!
Love your site. Do slip covers get tucked into the couch corners or do they just “rest” there? Thx.
Thanks Angela!
The slipcovers I make tuck-in at the deck along the inside arms and inside back. I prefer tuck-ins because they help hold the slipcover in place and also allow the seat, back and arms to compress without pulling on the slipcover.