Inspired by Washable Velvet Slipcovers

When I spotted Rachel Ashwell‘s washable velvet slipcover, I started thinking about velvet in an entirely new way. I like the washed-worn look and not-so-perfect fit. The overall feel is more comfy-cozy than formal upholstered velvet pieces. I’m inspired!

The last time I made anything from velvet was back in the 1970’s when I sewed practically all of my own clothes. The velvet fabrics I used were so slippery to sew! Pressing had its own challenges. Machine washing them was out of the question.

Fast forward 30+ years and a whole new generation of velvet fabrics are available: distressed velvet, vintage velvet, heather velvet, chenille and velour that look like velvet, etc.

Not all are machine washable or easy to sew, but now we have options galore. I haven’t experimented with velvet recently but when I do, I will opt for a washable 100% cotton or cotton blend and stay away from the slinky and stretchy polyester-nylon-acrylic versions.

Velvet upholstered sofas, and chairs are trending! Here are a few pieces I found that have the relaxed, lived-in look I like so much. Great inspiration for slipcovers.


  1. I love velvet! I love that lavender chair and the green sofa with the bench cushion. It can be so feminine, but also masculine (a la Ralph Lauren’s interiors). It’s just pure romance, isn’t it?
    And thank you, Karen, for the link. Indoor/outdoor velvet? Wow.

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