Slipcover Copy for a Classic Sofa


Jeralyn, from Tennessee, sent me her old sofa slipcover to copy.  I took the entire thing apart to use as a pattern. Ta-Da! Here’s the new slipcover in a taupe polyester micro fiber, a fabric she found in her area.

Although the original slipcover had been used for many years it still fit well. No stretched out or shrunken areas.  A classic design like this one is my favorite slipcover to copy. The fit translated beautifully!

Slipcover Copy in Poly Micro Fiber


  1. OMG what a huge project and it turned out perfectly!!! I would be afraid to tackle such a big job, you are amazing. Look at that fit and piping, I wish you were closer so I could take some upholstery/slipcover classes from you Karen!.

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